Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 7th and 8th...pending. July 9th, 10th and 11th

July 7th and 8th: Both days were epically spent in Port Douglas. The first day was a full day snorkel tour to 3 different sites on the reef and the 8th was a Daintree rainforest tour. I'll leave those until I get to decent internet in Brisbane, as those both have much to say about each day as well as tons of photos!

July 9th: A massive driving day. We were supposed to drive the 4 hours from PD to Townsville, but due to a car racing event in the city, we were unable to score accommodation anywhere and thus had to continue an extra 4 hours to Airlie Beach. We were planning on staying here anyway, so a full day of driving would just give us some extra time in a place we were already headed! Not much happened on the road except for Georgie introducing us to a new game - Dead Kangaroo. Basically, you count the number of dead roos you see on the side of the road. Morbid? Yes. Entertaining? Another yes. We settled into our fabulous accommodation about 7pm that night (it took us much longer than 8 hours to drive with all the stops and lunch breaks we took) and had a quick dinner of pizza before hitting the sack.

July 10th: Today was spent just bumming around Airlie Beach. We woke up early, went for a run up some massive hills and then spent the day lounging by the pool and shopping down their main street. Goergie's parents and brother also drove up this morning and we were able to catch up over some beers and meals. Unfortunately, I also came down with a massive headcold, and am still fighting a cough to this day (the 16th!!). The thing to note is the coolest invention EVER. A DRIVE-THROUGH BOTTLE SHOP. You don't even have to leave your car to buy booze....although the idea seems to support drinking and driving??

July 11th: Today we packed up our bags and said goodbye to the resort. We hung out by the lagoon in Airlie and made a quick BBQ brunch/lunch before hitting up some ice cream and then hopping back in the vehicle to drive another 2 hours to the hometown of Mackay. Georgie and family live here, and were starting school again within a couple days, so we decided to stay with them for a couple days before continuing down the coast. This was the last time I had internet, and apart from a nice home-cooked meal and some great laughs over dinner, nothing much else happened that was worth reporting.

The photos I've attached are from our resort in Airlie and the BBQ lunch that we made. I'll try to keep updating the blog over the next couple days, but we plan on being in Brissy in about 4 days and by then I will be able to finish up the rest of the entries!!

xoxo Danielle

1 comment:

  1. Um. Dead Kangaroo? I thought the alphabet game and eye spy were good car games...Those Aussies never fail to surprise, do they?
