Friday, July 31, 2009

The first post

Hello all,

So, after following a friend's blog from her amazing summer trip abroad, as well as having a few other friends start their own, I thought it would be fitting to try my hand at this online sharing tool. Although my trip to Australia isn't scheduled until January 2010, I thought if I started something now I probably have a better chance of figuring out how everything works before I leave the country!

All jokes aside, I'm super excited to start my study abroad and hopefully will have an awesome time of my own. I promise to try and keep updating everyone on a fairly regular basis, as I know certain members of my family in particular will always wonder about what I've been up to. Until January rolls around, I'll just keep you all aware of my Visa status, applications and all the other hoops I have to jump through before my trip is finalized!

I've been on vacation until today, which translates into the idea that I haven't really worked on anything exchange related. I'd like say I can attribute that to lack of decent internet, but in all honesty it's more due to lack of motivation. It's hard to sit down and organize papers when I have PEI beaches calling my name!

There's much left for me to do before September, as I haven't yet been accepted overseas. I have to submit my application form to the University of Queensland, prepare my accommodation forms, apply for a visa, book flights, organize my classes and get in touch with international contacts. It seems a bit daunting now, but thankfully I have a few months to figure it all out!

I think that's it as far as an intro, but I'll keep everyone updated!

Until next time,
