Saturday, June 12, 2010

Update on exam numero uno

Hello folks!

This is a quick update on the crazy happenings regarding my first exam yesterday. Caution : these next events are extremely unlike me...

My first exam was yesterday at 2:30pm. I have to catch a bus into the campus, which takes about 30 minutes. In theory, I was going to catch a bus in the city at 1:30pm, arrive at campus at 2pm and have a cool 30 minutes to just prepare myself for the exam. Perfect timing.

So, I'm in the city. I catch the bus at 1:30pm. I'm on the bus, about halfway to the campus when the bus pulls over, and the driver tells us to get out and wait for the next bus. I assume that we are just switching buses, and that our next bus is right behind us. Wrong.

The next bus is not scheduled to arrive for another 40 minutes. Current time: 2:00pm. Exam time: 2:30pm.



For those of you who know me, I am always on time for my exams. In fact, I am always early for my exams.

When I figure this out, that I will be late/I will MISS the exam. I panic, phone Dad and realize he can't do anything on his end. He is in CANADA.

My options: a) Run to the uni. This option will take me about 20 minutes.
b) Catch a cab. I have no money though, so this option is out.
c) Find another bus.

I choose option c). The next bus that comes to the uni arrives at this specific station at 2:15pm and will get me to campus at 2:27pm. 3 minutes prior to the start of my exam. Excellent.

I'm only slightly panicked when I arrive at the room on campus where I am supposed to be writing. Surprisingly, I am not the last one to get to the exam room. I sit down, take a deep breath and start the exam.

Thankfully, the exam is not that hard and all my worries about being late subside within a couple minutes. I'm fully in exam mode and finish the exam about an hour into the allotted 2 hour time slot.

All in all, one exam down, 4 to go. Lesson learnt? Yes. Brisbane transit is not reliable on a Saturday afternoon to get to campus.

My next exam is on Tuesday evening, and it's Biology. I hope it goes as well as the last one did, minus the whole bus thing. Wish me luck!

xoxo Danielle

1 comment:

  1. Oi!! Once in highschool I was ACTUALLY late for an 45 minutes late to an exam. But I know how you feel -- you just get in there and write, write, write! The adrenaline keeps you going and it's just so insane! That was the best exam I've ever written, I think!
    Congrats on making it there in time and not panicking (too much!)
    Miss you bunches and good luck with the rest of your exams, chicka! :)
