Thursday, June 24, 2010

The last exam. Then, winter(?) break!

Hello all!

I have to apologize for the lack of posts since my last exam. It's been a couple days, and I honestly planned to write about it the day after, but I had an epic night out after the last exam which will be entirely explained by this post. Prepare yourselves.

                Myself, Abbey and Kirstie before the exam

My last exam was the french exam, worth only 20%. After receiving my final assignment mark in that class the day before, which was 24.5/25, I realized that my mark going into the exam was 76/80. Meaning, if I didn't even show up to the exam, I would have passed with a 76%. Not bad. In fact, I was so nonchalant about this exam that I didn't even open a book to study. Not that I could have really done much anyways. The exam was easy as, basically all we had to do was write the beginning to a mystery novel using the information given to us in a passage that involved a student talking with a policeman about how his bag was stolen. The word limit was 400 words, which is basically a long paragraph. It took me about an hour to write it up, and I left without really making too many corrections. I figure, since studying French for over 6 years, I think my grammar is up to a level where I don't make really stupid mistakes. Besides, I figured that I only needed a 70% to end up with a 90% overall...
                      At the Red Room

This is where the fun starts. The 4 of us from my French class: Marc (the Canadian who married an Aussie and plays hockey) Abbey, Kirstie (2 Aussie's) and myself all headed to the campus pub, the Red Room. Here, we started to drink and play a couple rounds of pool. Our plan, initially, was to have a couple celebratory drinks here, then head home. Well. That plan soon was pitched out the window for another, more exciting plan that involved another bar and some dancing. But before we left the Red Room, a bunch of other mates I had met over the course of the semester, as well as ones that I knew from Queen's, all came to join us at the Red Room to celebrate good friendships, the semester and the end of exams. It was sad as well, I had to say goodbye to a couple friends as they were headed out over the next couple days.

                       Andrea, Myself and Alexa (the Queen's gals!)

Many drinks and a significant loss at pool later, the 4 of us decide it's time to move onto the next venue. After a quick stop at Kirstie's house for some food (they tried to get me to eat Vegemite, again, but I just can't make it work!) we managed to get a ride to the RE. A fancy establishment in the subrub of Toowong. Andrea knows just how sarcastic I am when I say "fancy." This bar is the go-to bar for all uni students, especially on a Wednesday nights when the drinks are cheap and the dance floor is packed. Here, Abbey and I met up with some more of Kirstie's mates and had a blast chatting away with random groups of people and dancing on the dance floor. I also ran into a guy wearing a Queen's hoodie, which totally threw me off guard. I asked him if he was from Queen's, and it turns out, he was on exchange there last semester with his mate! His mate was super drunk and swore that he knows me from Queen's because he remembers "seeing me on campus", but I just went along with it. We had a nice chat about Bubba's poutine, the nightlife and other Kingston things before parting ways. Fancy that a simple hoodie can connect 2 individuals eh?

Around midnight, after about 7 solid hours of drinks (and at this point, I was starting to get sick of the rye I had decided to drink all night - Dad, I understand where you are coming from when you say you can't touch the stuff again!) Abbey and I began to get hungry and wanted to leave to catch the last ferry into the city. Abbey was going to stay at my house as her place was way too far to access by transit that late at night....Anyways, we rock up to the ferry stop and see that there are a whole group of guys waiting as well. By this time, we have started to sober up and really didn't want to deal with a group of drunken boys, so I suggest that we pretend we are French and speak in French to each other.

It worked perfectly. Well, kind of.

The boys did not leave us alone. In fact, they really liked that we were from France. However, my accent was SUPER. I have no clue how or where I learned to speak English with a French accent, but it worked wonders. Abbey and I had to bite our tongues when they talked amongst themselves about how sexy they thought it was that we were foreign, as they assumed we didn't understand a word they were saying! They even were so kind as to help "direct" us in the city and order our meals at Macca's. It was epic. Probably the best fun I've had on a night out. Also makes me wonder if I have an acting career as a French woman in an English country....kidding.

The past couple days have just involved me getting ready to leave for Sydney on the 30th. I'm in the process of picking up assignments from campus, packing up the room, baking up a storm and then attending a couple more parties in between. I'm going out tomorrow night with Derek, Kelsey and the crew to the Wallabies game (the national Rugby team versus Ireland), and then Sunday night I've been invited out to party with the Anatomy friends I made. I'm excited to see the family in such a short period of time, but I also don't want to leave. I've made so many good friends and contacts here, it's going to be tough to say goodbye without shedding tears. Trust me.
               Beginning to organize my life into suitcases

Anyways, I probably should go and run another couple errands before I head home for the evening and get some much needed rest!

Love to all - I'm about a month away from seeing most of you! How crazy is that??
xoxo Danielle

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