Saturday, June 19, 2010

Exams 2, 3 and 4....

Well folks.

I am one exam and 10 days away from reuniting with my family. I'm super excited to see them, but also a little sad because it means that my Australian Adventures are almost over....

This post is a long overdue update on the last of my exams, as well as this past weekend's celebratory party. As you can probably imagine, with 3 back-to-back exams, the night out Friday night was a hairy one....haha!

Exam number 2 was Tuesday night at 6pm. It was my Terrestrial Ecology course, where I learnt about koalas, kangaroos and echidnas, so I wasn't too concerned with the exam itself. Of course, considering what happened the last time around, I left the house at about 2 in the afternoon JUST to make sure I made it on time. And naturally, the bus did not pull over or break down, so I was on campus about 3 hours before I actually needed to be. Oh well, I managed to catch up with Alexa and Kelsey, and we studied a bit together before ordering a pizza dinner and going to write the exam.

The exam itself actually went amazingly well, except for one question. It was, "There is one environmental factor that dictates when baby koalas are born. What is this factor and why does it not affect all koala populations in the same way?" (2marks). I had absolutely NO idea, so instead of writing out some kind of bull**** for an answer, I drew a cartoon. It was of Australia, with a koala up north and a koala in the south. The koala up north was saying how hot it was, and the koala in the south was complaining about the cold. Next to the cartoon, I wrote "This diagram is up for interpretation." I'm hoping I get at least partial marks.....

Next exam was on Thursday morning and this was the Anatomy practical exam. For those unaware of how these exams work, we basically have 70 stations set up with either a cadaver, plastic model or a micrograph photo. Each student stands up in front of a station, we have exactly one minute to identify whatever is labeled on the table and then move to the next station when the bell rings. It can be pretty stressful, but a tutor told me a couple weeks ago that I had to treat it like a game. Have fun, don't panic if you don't know the answer, and don't let previous stations throw you off. It's exactly what I did. In fact, most of the stations I was able to ID within 20 seconds, and I actually had fun with it all. It was a pretty warped game of Guess Who, but I'm sad that anatomy is over with! The best part of the entire experience was one particular station. The question was to identify a structure on the bone that could be palpated through the skin. The bone was the femur, but I didn't remember this from my notes. So, since we aren't allowed to touch the specimens whatsoever, I put down my pencil and test and started to feel up my OWN leg in order to try and guess an answer! It was hilarious because a tutor that was monitoring that station just caught my eye and shook his head at me.....they have probably seen so many weird things during those exams!!

Last exam of the week was the theory portion to the anatomy exam. It was a 50 multiple choice question exam and we had an hour to do it. Unlike my other exams, I really didn't study for this one as much as I would have liked, so I was really nervous going into it. Out of all of them, I think this one went the worst. The first 10 questions were all about the bones in the skull, the sphenoid bone in particular, and I had to guess all of them. Oh well. It's over and done with!

Now, onto the party. Friday night was our epic celebration night out with all my housemates and uni friends. Derek had received strawberry Jello earlier on from his mum, with the strict instructions from Andrea that it was only to be used for shots. So, we prepared these puppies the night before, and broke them out early on during dinner to get the evening started. You can imagine how the night went on from there....

We partied in our house until 9:30, then headed out into the Valley to party at a club called the Met. It played some great music, and we stayed until all hours of the night. Despite a slight scare with us losing one of our friends and then realizing she was actually safe at home, the night was a blast. Yesterday, (Saturday) was a bit rough, but I was nowhere near the shape I was in after my bday night. Still, I took the entire day off, and apart from a Macca's trip for some greasy hangover food, I didn't leave my bed.
                       Enjoying some Jello shots in Derek's room...
                                 Outside the club
                                       Doing shots at the bar
Now, it's Sunday and I'm just out getting some internet, catching up on some emails and starting to organize notes for my french exam on Wednesday. It shouldn't be too tough but I do have a couple things to revise....Once my downloads are finished, I'm off to meet up with Derek in the city to grab some groceries before heading back to the house and baking another batch of cookies for him.

I'm off, but do keep in touch and keep your eyes posted for another couple updates before I leave to see the fam jam!

xoxo Danielle

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