Monday, June 28, 2010

Party On!!

These past few days have been a blur. Not because they have gone by so quickly, but because I have had a party to attend every night, which means the following mornings can get to be quite rough. In fact, I think this is the first morning I've gotten out of bed before 10am, which is huge for me.

On Saturday night, Derek decided to be the host/cook/gentleman and cook Kelsey, Dave and I dinner. He made the famous Mexican recipe, and we all enjoyed the fresh guacamole, salsa and cheese tortillas. This, of course, was the pre-game meal, as Kelsey, Derek and I were headed out around 7pm to catch the Wallabies rugby game. For those of you who are unaware, the Wallabies are the National rugby team. On Saturday, they were playing Ireland.
                 Enjoying the dinner made for us....a la Derek!

Like the game I attended before, I had absolutely no clue what was happening most of the time, but the atmosphere alone was incredible. There was a huge mixture of fans for both teams, which made for a large feeling of rivalry. I just basically followed along, cheered whenever the people dressed in gold cheered and booed when the people in green were cheering. Easy enough!! It was even better that the end result was 22-15 for the Wallabies!

After the game, we went to Caxton Street, a street right outside the stadium that is literally filled with fans after each game. Here, we chose a bar to hit up some drinks and chill for a bit. I went up to the bar to get a water for one of my pals, along with two other friends who were ordering beers and we ended up snagging 3 free drinks each! How? Well, there were three glasses on the bartop that were just sitting there. It's obvious to us that someone has ordered and paid, but totally forgot about the drinks since after 3 rounds of people ordering, those drinks were still there. Discretely, I motion to Alexa to pick one, I grab the other, and Alexa's housemate Steph grabs the last. We figured if no one was picking them up in the time we were standing there (a good 10 minutes!) that they were not going to be used. So why waste a good drink? I think they were vodka, soda and lemons, but I couldn't tell for sure.
                    Us with our free drinks we scored at the bar!!

After some time at the bar, laughing at the Irish fans singing songs and the Aussie's poking jokes, we decided to head home and sleep. We were all pretty exhausted, even though it was only around 1am!

Sunday night was another party for me, this time out in a southern suburb called Holland Park. My friend, Mel, from anatomy class was hosting a party with her brother, a 4th year pharmacy student. It was a great night, and I ended up crashing overnight there because her brother, Ty, with his pharmacy knowledge brews his own spirits, beer and wine. Needless to say, a couple homemade rum's later, I was in no shape to catch a bus home. Luckily, Mel had plenty of room in the house for me to find a place to crash. Of course, this meant that all my plans for Monday morning were totally kiboshed and as a result, I've been up early this morning to do all the last minute things around the city. I still have more friends to see, errands to run and emails to send....

This will probably be my last post for a while until I can access internet again and update you all. I leave tomorrow morning early for Sydney, meet up with the family, spend a day with them and then we all fly to the Outback on Thursday. We spend 3 days in the Outback, then we fly to Cairns. From here we basically have no plans, a car and 2-3 weeks to make our way down the coast to Brisbane. I promise to try and write as often as I can....I can't promise many photos as I am not sure the internet connections will be strong enough to load them, but if I can, I will.

On that note, I am going to sign off so I can send those emails and get out of the library to finish up errands before enjoying some coffee with friends. It's too hard to say goodbye and I get this sick feeling in my stomach every time I have to do so.....

All my love as always!
xoxo Danielle

1 comment:

  1. Not gunna lie, Dani...did you not wonder if those drinks had been planted there for an unsuspecting beautiful group of girls like yourselves? Sketchy, but a free drink is a free drink, right? HAH! Now that we know it was all good and fun, it's QUITE hilarious ;)
