Sunday, May 9, 2010

Coolongatta and Casinos

Hello everyone!

I'm going to start this post off by wishing all my Aunties and Grandmas a Happy Mother's Day. It's not actually Mother's day here, but it is back in North America so I figure it counts!! I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday, you each deserve it!!

This post will update you on the last couple days, as my weekdays are not that exciting anymore. Apart from classes, tutorials and practicals, nothing worth writing happens at Uni.

                    At the border between the two states....

However, this weekend was a different story. Again, Dave volunteered to drive a gang of us to Coolongatta beach on Sunday, followed again by a visit to the Casino on the way home. Kelsey, my new mate from Saskatoon, came along with us as well as my other housemate Shiva. We spent the morning on the beach, lying in the sun as well as swimming the ocean, then hit up the boardwalk for some much deserved fish and chips. I think one of the best things ever is fish and chips on the beach, in the sun. Amazing. We also visited the border between Queensland and New South Wales. Everytime I cross a border, I always think of the movie A Walk to Remember and how Mandy Moore's character just wants to be in two places at once, so the boy takes her to the state line.....

Next up was the Casino, but this time instead of winning money, we lost it all. I only gambled away 10 dollars, but Dave lost a little more....the Casino this time was quite busy, probably because it was Mother's Day. I couldn't get over all the people, and can only imagine what Las Vegas is like! We had fun no matter the loss, and I think we mostly chuckled over the fact that we had to change clothes in the carpark behind the boot of the car instead of a bathroom because they wouldn't let us in while wearing our beach clothes!!

Sunday night was another fun time - Bill Elliot, an old friend of Uncle Donnie's, was here on business (something to do with the RCMP/international police) and he offered to take me and another couple Canadians out for dinner. We went to a place not far from the city called the Regatta Boatshed. A few bottles of wine and a plate of Barramundi later, we were all swapping stories about PEI, Saskatchewan and weird Australian things like Vegemite. It was a great meal out, and I was very fortunate that a distant contact thought of me while on his trip down under! It goes to show just how small the world is, and just how lovely people are.

Today is Monday, I'm basically doing nothing except for a fitness class tonight with Dave - something called Zumba and it's a form of dance-fitness. Should be interesting! I'm also meeting up with Marilyn for coffee now that our schedules have quieted down a bit! I hope you enjoy the photos I've posted....I had fun with my camera on this trip, snapping photos of places like Miami Beach and Palm Beach (Just for my Floridian family!) and some shots of us at Coolongatta.

I miss you all! Keep those emails and letters coming!!

xoxo Danielle

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