Well, after my last update, I really didn't think I would have much to report until I got back from my epic Easter Break adventure field trips, but it turns out I'm more than wrong! Much has happened in the last couple days that I feel deserve to be told.
First up - the house. One of the flatmates, Carol, decided to move out and since she and the other boys did not get along, this made the boys VERY happy. So happy, in fact, that the atmosphere has completely changed at home. We all eat dinner in the kitchen together now, instead of in our separate rooms. We converted the lounge area to a better set-up, moved the extra fridge into the kitchen and now we have a communal fridge for us to share leftovers, cookies (on my behalf!) and to chill beer. It's great! We also talked about having a "family" dinner together once a week, and things have become much more social. Personally, I feel it could have been this way when Carol was around, but perhaps it was because the boys refused to get along with her that prevented events from taking place. Regardless, we have a party lined up for Sunday evening, which should be a ball!
Speaking of having a good time, another surprise this week was my last minute impulse to buy tickets to see Lady Gaga in concert tomorrow night. I'm headed out there with my gay flatmate, who loves to dance (especially to Gaga music - it's his ringtone!!) so I am sure we will have SO much fun. Our tickets are standing tickets, at at the back section, but it will be an entertaining show nonetheless and I know that no matter where we are in the stadium, it will be as good as we make it!!
Bad news - in between some unexpected news and bad anniversary dates, I had to deal with a little medical scare of my own. For the past couple weeks, I've been nursing what I thought was a canker sore in my mouth, but lately I have realized it is more of a lump below my lip as opposed to a canker sore. Now, knowing my family history, lumps always equal BAD. Naturally, I freak out, and with everything else that was going on at the time, had a massive breakdown yesterday, cried and felt really sick. Missing family, friends etc etc....not wanting to be here......it was bad. Luckily, I was able to get in to see a Dr. today, and he is about 99% sure that the lump is a result of a blocked sebaceous gland in my mouth. Apparently, this happens from time to time, without any reason why, and I can either cut into it to drain it, or let it be. I chose the latter option, and was told to keep an eye out if it grows or changes as that could indicate that it is something else. At least I can sleep easy tonight knowing that I am not dying.
To end this on a happy/funny note, here is another anecdote from one of my classes. We are learning about terrestrial plants in my Biology class, and my professor really likes to bring in samples. The other day, she brings out the most MASSIVE leaf I have EVER seen. It's as big as me. How do I know this? After lecture, I asked her if I could keep it. The answer? Yes. So for the rest of the day (because naturally, biology was my first of 4 classes that day) I'm trucking around campus with the leaf in tow, getting all these strange looks from others. The weirdest bit was riding the bus home into the city, and sitting next to immaculately dressed business men with this leaf hanging over my head like some rainforest umbrella. You'll see from the photos that all I am missing is a hot guy to fan me with it and feed me grapes.....Danny???
My leaf!!
Anyways, keep your eyes out for some pics (probably bad ones) from the concert and perhaps the Sunday party as well. I love you all, assure you I am now doing much better and will be in touch soon!
xoxo Danielle
My foot next to the leaf to give you an idea of scale.....