Update number 2 from the field trip front. Friday was an all-day excursion to Brisbane Forest Park - a national park and rainforest just outside the city. It was an academic excursion, so we definitely had work to accomplish on the trip, but we also had the opportunity (an unfortunate one?) to check out some of the native wildlife.
I say unfortunate because, yes, I did encounter a snake. One of the deadliest ones actually, the red-bellied black snake, and it was quite literally a meter from me. While all the keener students hid behind me and snapped shots of this killer snake, I am the first in the line of fire had it attacked. Seriously, I almost shit my pants. I've never been so scared in my life, and the professor was like, "oh, it's deadly. Just relax, if it bites you and you freak out, your blood will move faster and you will succumb to the venom quicker." Props prof. Thanks for that.
What happened you may ask? Nothing. It went away. I got a photo. And an exciting story to tell my grand kids.
The morning was spent at a wildlife sanctuary, where we got to see platypus, wallabies, some other cool/weird animals and some birds. The afternoon was spent exploring the rainforest, and comparing it to the side-by-side Eucalypt forest. We had a nice 10-page worksheet to fill out (I honestly felt like I was back in grade school, drawing bark of trees and describing plants) but it was fun.
One other mentionable story, then I'll leave you with photos:
Our tutor, Chris, tells us at the beginning of the walk that we should avoid broad, wide-leafed plants as they can sting you which results in a burning sensation FOR THREE MONTHS AFTERWARD. So, we are all on the lookout for this plant to avoid it, all the while at the same time touching other plants and tasting some edible berries and such. At one point, I rub up against this quite nice-feeling felt plant and ask Chris what it is. He looks at me, at it, and says, "That's a psychotic plant. People who eat the residue from the leaves go crazy. I would wash your hands." Hahahahahaha. Of all the plants in the forest, Danielle chooses to rub the crazy one. Figures.
Thanks for reading,
xoxo Danielle
On the right: wombat!
Below: Wallaby!
Right and below: Me at point lookout!
You know what they say; psychotic plants attract psychotic people....
seriously, though. Looks amazing!