On the upside - paddling was a blast! We took outrigger canoes, which basically have this piece attached to them and we paddled up the river into the ocean. We didn't venture far into the ocean, since the swells were high and we could tip, but it was a fantastic trip nonetheless. Noteworthy happenings - the main "coach" Hugh, was trying to teach me how to paddle. He asked if I had ever done it before, and I told him I'd been in a canoe once or twice. He then replied, " Well that's a totally different motion/stroke." He then proceeded to demonstrate what was the kayaking stroke and says, "outrigging is much different." I don't know if down here, canoeing = kayaking, but he and I were on totally different pages!! Regardless, I took in his insturctions and after our 2 hours adventure, he said that I wasn't bad for a beginner!
After paddling finished up and I was home to realize the extent of my burn, I hopped in the shower to freshen up for a ladies lunch that Marilyn and I were invited to. I have to admit, I was skeptic about this lunch since it was 5 older women, and I am MANY years their junior. Luckily, I was totally wrong! The lunch was at this British women's house, Julie, and all her friends came over for the most fantasttic and authentic tea ever. It was so quaint and enjoyable to chat with these Brisish women. They all loved my "accent" and one of them even commented on my "porcelian skin!" I think that's a much nicer saying than I usually go with....you know, me commenting on how I am practically albino!!
After lunch, we stayed at Julie's to have a spa day - mini at home facials and some relaxation time. Goodness, these ladies were hilarious with their masks on! All of them fought over the "smoothing and firming" mask before deciding I should be the one to have it, to make it fair! I politely declined and decided to choose a cucumber cooling mask.
After the spa day, Marilyn and I went home and I did some research into mobile phone companies for me to get a cell phone here. We had a nice pasta dinner, before watching some comedy on TV and then headed to bed!
Friday morning Marilyn was off to an appointment, so I took the opportunity to be adventurous and go on a run along the beach. Most AMAZING thing I think I've done yet. I loved listening to the waves pound on the shore as I ran alongside the water, barefoot. As much as I loved running back home in the winter weather with my Dad and sister, this is truly an unforgettable experience! I'll be sad that I can't begin my day everyday with this!
One downside on Friday was my sunburn had reared its ugly head FULL force and I was in so much pain. I tried to search and buy aloe vera gel, but was only able to find a spray. It worked, slightly, but not how I had hoped. Oh well, at least I've learnt my lesson! No more missing spots for me, that's for sure!
Saturday morning brought a morning's worth of cleaning the house, followed by groceries and making a cake for the birthday party we are attending later on today. While out and about on our errands, I managed to find myself a straw fedora hat with a brim, nice enough that I would wear it without looking like a tourist, but at the same time it would protect me from further sun damage! Yay!
Today, the weather is such that we can't go climb Mt. Coolum as was origianlly planned, but Marilyn and I are going to the Peregian Market to listen to an outdoor music festival. Later, we have this birthday party to go to, and then it will be the end of the day!
I'm going to sign off now so I can go and get ready for the day's events, but I plan on writing back tomorrow before I leave for Syndey! Just a quick note, I've attached the photo of the gecko that the kids caught a ways back. I wrote about it a couple posts ago, but the photos weren't taken on my camera, and I just got them sent to me via email!
Thanks for reading and keep those emails coming my way!!
xoxo Danielle
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